My name is Evgeny, I live in Moscow, Russia, work as a software developer, and no longer teach at a medical university. This is my website.

What can be found here?

  • Chiefly my blog,
  • but also some software I develop in my spare time,
  • as well as my reactions that I send webmentions from,
  • and various little things, such as
    • my PGP key for confidential messages
    • or links to my various accounts (under the picture above).
  • The Fediverse handle is, but RSS is a better way to subscribe.

Recent posts:


В этом году будет двадцать пять лет нашему выпуску из школы. По этому поводу вчера мы традиционно собирались вместе, и нас было больше, чем обычно (я и сам не каждый год участвую в подобных мероприятиях).

Удивительно теплой и дружной получилась встреча. Мы выросли очень разными людьми, и может быть, не каждый из нас с охотой общался бы индивидуально с каждым из остальных, но всем вместе нам оказалось друг с другом очень хорошо и комфортно. Наверно, мы очень счастливые люди.


I missed out on a rather good movie today.

My wife was watching, and I was doing some housekeeping on one of the non-work-related projects. I could have joined her on the couch, but I chose to turn my back on the TV, so I didn’t watch. I listened through the whole story, and I turned around to watch several scenes, but I didn’t watch the movie. I think I would have enjoyed it if I watched.


In Russia, we have a lot of holidays. Some think we have way too many holidays, but I’m kinda used to it, so I’m not fit to judge.

Most of Russia doesn’t observe Christmas on December, 25 (the prevalent church here is the Russian Orthodox who never switched to Gregorian calendar, so Christmas is January, 7). However, the USSR legacy (they tried to make the church-related holidays obsolete by introducing the non-church-related holidays about vaguely the same dates) of celebrating The New Year on January, 1, combined with the modern Russian return-to-roots state-wide celebration of Christmas, results in the state-sanctioned holiday (think of it as “bank holiday” in Western terms) spanning most of the first half of January.

Most discussed:

Trusting the Digital Assistants

There are things that are nice and interesting to do, yet there are things you’d rather not spend your time and effort doing. People are different, and my categorization may not match yours, but on average, there are a lot of things in today’s life that one would like to delegate to some extent. Hiring a person or a team for this is something very few of us can afford, but technical progress gives some hope to wide audience, too.

Voice Messages

This post is about obvious things, but it looks like they aren’t that obvious to some people.

Many messengers allow to send voice messages instead of text. These messages are problematic: you can’t read them in a meeting, you can’t skim through them later to remember what the conversation was about, you can’t search the contents of these messages… The fact that the voice messages are possible to send doesn’t mean you should. You shouldn’t.