
Everybody and their dog is discussing the Pennsilvania shooting. I don’t really care about the US politics, nor do I really care about Trump (though I’m glad he’s okay, from what I’m reading). It’s the comments that got me writing this post.

On video, it can be clearly seen (and heard) that before the security officers (or whoever those people in black around him were) walked Trump off the stage, he made a point of stopping, making himself visible, and gesturing to the crowd, who started chanting in response. This didn’t look like the safest thing to do in his position, so a lot of commenters try to give explanations for these actions.

Explanations vary from obvious to patently absurd, but there’s one explanation that surfaces surprisingly often: besides other reasons, Trump made a point to show both the crowd and the cameras that he was alive and mostly unharmed, so that the people transporting him away wouldn’t kill him and blame his death on the shooter!

I’m not going to discuss this explanation here. It’s the fact that it surfaces in the first five comments in every discussion I’ve seen so far that I want to talk about.

We’re in trouble, people. Humanity is in serious trouble, mark my words.

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