# hovercard.js A script to load cards when you hover over a link in an article. ## Example ![Text in an article with an active hovercard that contains an image, a title, and a description](screenshot.png) ## Getting Started The `hovercard.js` script searches for all `` tags enclosed within an `
` tag on a web page. Mouse hover and focus listeners are added to each link. When the mouse hovers over a link, `hovercard.js` looks for the `href` value of the link in a JSON object called `hovercards`. If the link is found in the JSON object, a hovercard is added directly below the link on the page. When a user hovers off the link or moves focus onto another element (i.e. by using the keyboard to navigate links on the page), the hovercard will disappear. ## Usage To use the hovercard script, first download a copy and upload it to your site. Then, add this code above the closing `` tag on your web page: Substitute the path of the script in the example above with the location of the script on your site. You should add a JSON object to every page that contains a hovercard. This JSON object should use the following structure: { "https://example.com": { "title": "Example Domain", "description": "This domain is used for examples." "photo": "https://example.com/example.png" } } Keys in the JSON object represent links on the page to look up. The only required key value is `title`. If a description and/or photo are provided, these will be included in the hovercard. ## License This code for this project is placed in the public domain. ## Contributors - capjamesg